martes, 12 de marzo de 2013

El horno de Minecraft


Quizá ya hayan descubierto el horno pero quizá no sepan que pueden cocinar o fundir en el y que combustible utiliza.

Para cocinar alimentos es muy fácil porque solo utiliza carnes para freírlas,  obviamente mejorando la porción de hambre que sube, solo con excepción de la papa que puedes cocerla y no es carne.

En el caso de los bloques es un poco mas complejo asi que les dejo una imagen con todo lo que puedes fundir y cocinar.
NombreIngredientesEntra » SaleDescripción
lingote de hierroHierro (Mineral) +CombustibleHierro F.pngSe usa para herramientas y es útil para crear muchas cosas.
lingote de oroOro (Mineral) +CombustibleOro F.pngSe usa para herramientas y es útil para crear muchas cosas.
CristalArena + CombustibleCristal F.pngSe utiliza para hacer ventanas. También se utiliza para elaborar los paneles de cristal.
RocaPiedra + CombustibleRoca F.pngSirve como material de construcción.
Carbón vegetalMadera + CombustibleCharcoal F.pngÚtil para crear antorchas y como combustible.
Carne de cerdo cocinadaCarne de cerdo cruda +CombustibleCerdo F.pngSirve como alimento.
Carne de vaca cocinadaCarne de vaca cruda +CombustibleRes F.pngSirve como alimento.
Carne de pollo cocinadaCarne de pollo cruda +CombustiblePollo F.pngSirve como alimento.
Peces cocinadosPeces + CombustiblePescado F.pngSirve como alimento.
LadrilloArcilla + CombustibleLadrillo F.pngSirve para crear bloques.
Verde cactusCactus + CombustibleVerde F.pngEs un tinte.

Ahora como ya habíamos mencionado existen diferentes tipos de combustibles para al horno, la mayoría son de bloques u objetos de madera o creados con madera y claro, el carbón y la lava.

CombustibleDuraciónNúmero de
por combustible
Cantidad para
mantener encencido
toda la noche
Segundos por
bloque de madera
Crafting square Coal (Item).png Carbón
Crafting square Coal (Item).png Carbón vegetal
up to 70s
Crafting square Wooden Plank.png Plancha de Madera
Crafting square Stick.png Palo
Crafting square Fence.png Valla
Crafting square Wooden Stairs.png Escalera de madera
Crafting square Wood.png Madera
Crafting square Crafting Table.png Mesa de trabajo
Crafting square Bookshelf.png Librería
Crafting square Chest.png Baúl
Crafting square Jukebox.png Máquina de discos
Crafting square Lava Bucket.png Cubo de lava 

En versiones anteriores el cubo desaparecía, pero actualmente en la versión que yo juego 1.4.7 el cubo queda vació sin lava y no lo pierdes.

Les recomiendo tutoriales

Si ya has descargado Minecraft te abras dado cuento que necesitas conseguir recursos para poder crear otros, así que les dejo el canal de "Tepitenio" en Minecraft quien hace tutoriales muy interesantes para novatos. Este es su canal, Tepitenio. Les recomiendo que vean Minecraft al natural.
Así que aquí les dejo el primer episodio de esto.

Mesa de Trabajo

Puede que hallan descubierto como hacer la mesa de trabajo y tengan algunas complicaciones, así que aquí les traigo las recetas de la mesa de trabajo.
Wooden PlanksWoodCraft Wooden PlanksBasic building material.
SticksWooden PlanksCraft SticksUsed to craft torches, arrows, fences, signs, tools and weapons.
TorchesCoal & StickCraft TorchesTorches provide light and also melt ice and snow.
Crafting TableWooden PlanksOpens a 3x3 crafting grid when right clicked.
FurnaceCobblestoneCraft FurnaceAllows the player to smelt.
ChestWooden PlanksCraft ChestUsed to store blocks and items.
LaddersSticksCraft LaddersAllows the player to climb vertically.
FenceSticksBarrier that cannot be jumped over.
BoatWooden PlanksUsed to travel in water.
Wooden SlabsWooden PlanksUsed to create gradual slopes.
Stone SlabsStone or Brick or Stone Brick or Sandstone or Cobblestone or Nether BrickUsed to create gradual slopes.
SignWooden Planks & StickShows text.

Block Recipes

GlowstoneGlowstone DustBright light source that can be used underwater.
Snow BlockSnowballsCraft Snow BlockStore of snow and building material.
TNTGunpowder & SandCraft TNTCreates explosions.
Clay BlockClayCraft ClayStore of clay and building material.
Brick BlockClay BricksCraft BrickblockStrong building material.
BookshelfWooden Planks & BooksCraft BookshelfDecoration.
Sandstone BlockSandBuilding material.
Smooth SandstoneSandstone BlockBuilding material.
Decorative SandstoneSandstone SlabsBuilding material.
Note BlockWooden Planks & RedstonePlays a note when left clicked.
Jack-O LanternPumpkin & TorchCraft JackoLight source.
Lapis Lazuli BlockLapis Lazuli DyeLapiz Lazuli BlockStore of Lapis Lazuli Dye.
Diamond BlockDiamondsCraft Diamond BlockStore of Diamonds.
Gold BlockGold IngotsCraft Gold BlockStore of Gold Ingots.
Iron BlockIron IngotsCraft IronBlockStore of Iron Ingots.
Emerald BlockEmeraldsStore of Emeralds.
Stone BrickStoneBuilding material.
Wooden StairsWooden PlanksUsed for staircases.
Stone StairsCobblestone or Sandstone or Brick or Stone Brick or Nether BrickUsed for staircases.
Cobblestone WallCobblestone or Moss StoneDecorative block that acts in a similar way to fences.

Tool Recipes

PickaxesSticks & Wooden Planks or Cobblestone or Iron Ingots or Gold Ingots or DiamondsUsed to mine stone blocks and ores.
AxesSticks & Wooden Planks or Cobblestone or Iron Ingots or Gold Ingots or DiamondsUsed to chop wood blocks faster than by hand.
ShovelsSticks & Wooden Planks or Cobblestone or Iron Ingots or Gold Ingots or DiamondsUsed to dig sand, gravel, dirt, grass and snow faster than by hand.
HoesSticks & Wooden Planks or Cobblestone or Iron Ingots or Gold Ingots or DiamondsUsed to till dirt blocks in preparation for growing crops.
Fishing RodSticks & StringUsed to catch fish.
Flint & SteelIron Ingot & FlintCreates fire.
CompassIron Ingots & RedstonePoints to the spawn point.
ClockGold Ingots & RedstoneDisplays the time relative to the positions of the sun and moon.
BucketIron IngotsUsed to transport water, lava and milk.
ShearsIron IngotsUsed to collect wool from sheep and leaves from trees.

Defence Recipes

HelmetLeather or Iron Ingots or Gold Ingots or DiamondsHead armor. Provides 1.5 protection points.
ChestplateLeather or Iron Ingots or Gold Ingots or DiamondsChest armor. Provides 4 protection points.
LeggingsLeather or Iron Ingots or Gold Ingots or DiamondsLeg armor. Provides 3 protection points.
BootsLeather or Iron Ingots or Gold Ingots or DiamondsFoot armor. Provides 1.5 protection points.
SwordSticks & Wooden Planks or Cobblestone or Iron Ingots or Gold Ingots or DiamondsDeals more damage to mobs than by hand.
BowString & SticksUsed to shoot arrows.
ArrowFlint & Stick & FeatherAmmunition for bows.

Mechanism Recipes

DoorsWooden Planks or Iron IngotsWooden doors can be opened by clicking or redstone power. Iron doors can only be opened by redstone power.
Pressure PlatesWooden Planks or StoneSend a redstone signal when stepped on by a player or mob.
TrapdoorWooden PlanksHorizontal door activated by clicking or redstone.
Fence GateWooden Planks & SticksUsed as a gate that can be opened like a door.
ButtonStone or Wooden PlankSends a short redstone signal when pressed.
LeverStick & CobblestoneSends a redstone signal that can be turned on and off.
Redstone RepeaterStone & Redstone Torch & RedstoneUsed as a repeater, diode or delayer in redstone circuits.
Redstone TorchStick & RedstoneConstantly sends a redstone signal.
JukeboxWooden Planks & DiamondUsed to play music discs.
DispenserCobblestone & Bow & RedstoneHolds and shoots out items when powered.
PistonWooden Planks & Cobblestone & Iron Ingot & RedstonePushes blocks.
Sticky PistonPiston & Slime BallPushes blocks and pulls back the touching block.
MinecartIron IngotsUsed to travel along Rail.
Powered MinecartMinecart & FurnacePushes other minecarts along track using fuel.
Storage MinecartMinecart & ChestUsed to transport blocks and items along track.
RailIron Ingots & StickGuide for Minecarts.
Powered RailGold Ingots & Stick & RedstoneSpeeds up Minecarts when powered.
Detector RailIron Ingots & Stone Pressure Plate & RedstoneSends a redstone signal when crossed by a Minecart.
Redstone LampRedstone & Glowstone BlockLight source when powered by redstone.
Tripwire HookIron Ingot & Stick & Wooden PlankUsed to create a tripwire that activates a redstone signal.

Food Recipes

BowlWooden PlanksHolds Mushroom Stew.
Mushroom StewBowl & Red Mushroom & Brown MushroomRestores 4 hunger points.
BreadWheatRestores 2.5 hunger points.
Golden AppleApple & Gold NuggetsRestores 2 hunger points.
Enchanted Golden AppleApple & Gold BlocksRestores 2 hunger points. Also gives resistance and fire resistance for 30 seconds.
SugarSugar CaneUsed to create Cake.
CakeMilk Buckets & Sugar & Wheat & EggHeals 1.5 hunger points per use for a total of 6 uses.
CookiesWheat & Cocoa BeansRestores 1 hunger point.
Melon BlockMelon SliceMethod for storing melon slices.
Melon SeedsMelon SliceCan be planted on farmland.
Pumpkin SeedsPumpkinCan be planted on farmland.
Golden CarrotCarrot & Gold NuggetsUsed as a brewing ingredient and restores 3 hunger points.
Pumpkin PiePumpkin & Egg & SugarRestores 4 hunger points.

Other Recipes

BedWooden Planks & WoolUsed to forward time to day during nights.
PaintingSticks & WoolDecoration.
PaperSugar CaneUsed to create maps and books.
BookPaperUsed to create bookshelfs and book & quills.
Book and QuillBook & Feather & Ink SacCan be written in and edited.
MapPaper & CompassCreates an image of explored parts of the world.
Glass PaneGlass BlocksPanes of glass similar to fences.
Iron BarsIron IngotsSimilar properties to fences however only 1 block high.
Gold IngotGold NuggetUsed to craft a number of other items.
Nether Brick FenceNether BrickSimilar to normal fences but made out of nether brick.
Eye of EnderEnder Pearl & Blaze PowderCan be used to locate strongholds.
Enchantment TableBook, Diamond & Obsidian.Used to enchant tools.
Fire ChargeBlaze Powder & Coal & GunpowderCreates fire and can be shot out of dispensers.
Ender ChestObsidian & Eye of EnderUsed for storage. All Ender Chests in a world access the same storage.
BeaconGlass & Obsidian & Nether StarEmits light beam and provides temporary player buffs when placed on a pyramid made of emerald, diamond, gold or iron blocks.
AnvilIron Block & Iron IngotUsed to repair items and combine enchantments.
Flower PotBricksDecorative block.
Item FrameSticks & LeatherUsed to display items and blocks on walls.
Carrot on a StickFishing Rod & CarrotCan be used to control saddled pigs.
Firework RocketGunpowder & Paper & Firework StarItems that can be launched into the sky. The more gunpowder added the higher the rocket will fly.
Firework StarGunpowder & Dye & an extra ingredient (optional)The dye determines the colour of the firework and the extra ingredient determines the special effect.

Dye Recipes

Bone MealBoneCan be used to make crops, trees and tall grass grow instantly.
Light Gray DyeBonemeal & Ink SacUsed as a dye to create Light Gray Wool.
Gray DyeBonemeal & Ink SacUsed as a dye to create Gray Wool.
Rose RedRoseUsed as a dye to create Red Wool.
Orange DyeRose Red & Dandelion YellowUsed as a dye to create Orange Wool.
Dandelion YellowDandelionUsed as a dye to create Yellow Wool.
Lime DyeCactus Green & Bone MealUsed as a dye to create Green Wool.
Light Blue DyeLapis Lazuli Dye & Bone MealUsed as a dye to create Light Blue Wool.
Cyan DyeLapis Lazuli Dye & Cactus GreenUsed as a dye to create Cyan Wool.
Purple DyeLapis Lazuli Dye & Rose RedUsed as a dye to create Purple Wool.
Magenta DyePurple Dye & Pink DyeUsed as a dye to create Magenta Wool.
Pink DyeBone Meal & Rose RedUsed as a dye to create Pink Wool.

Wool Recipes

WoolStringBuilding material that can also be coloured with dyes.
Light Gray WoolWool & Light Gray DyeBuilding material and decoration.
Gray WoolWool & Gray DyeBuilding material and decoration.
Black WoolWool & Ink SacBuilding material and decoration.
Red WoolWool & Rose RedBuilding material and decoration.
Orange WoolWool & Orange DyeBuilding material and decoration.
Yellow WoolWool & Dandelion YellowBuilding material and decoration.
Lime WoolWool & Lime DyeBuilding material and decoration.
Green WoolWool & Cactus GreenBuilding material and decoration.
Light Blue WoolWool & Light Blue DyeBuilding material and decoration.
Cyan WoolWool & Cyan DyeBuilding material and decoration.
Blue WoolWool & Lapis Lazuli DyeBuilding material and decoration.
Purple WoolWool & Purple DyeBuilding material and decoration.
Magenta WoolWool & Magenta DyeBuilding material and decoration.
Pink WoolWool & Pink DyeBuilding material and decoration.
Brown WoolWool & Cocoa BeansBuilding material and decoration.

Brewing Recipes

Glass BottleGlassUsed in brewing.
CauldronIron IngotStorage of water for Glass Bottles.
Brewing StandBlaze Rod & CobblestoneUsed in brewing.
Blaze PowderBlaze RodUsed to craft an Eye of Ender and Magma Cream.
Magma CreamSlimeball & Blaze PowderUsed in potions.
Fermented Spider EyeSpider Eye, Brown Mushroom & SugarUsed in potions.
Glistering MelonMelon Slice & Gold NuggetUsed in potions.